Camping and Other Disasters

Just after buying the boat, we departed for a two week holiday in the interior of BC. We went to Horse Lake with our 5th wheel trailer, and met our oldest friends, Diane and Blair,  there.


It’s supposed to have really good fishing, but  our bad luck followed us there as well, and my husband and Blair only got three nibbles in six hours of fishing. No one else was having any luck either…maybe one person caught a fish every two days.



We were there for a week, during which I learned to play cribbage (sort of), and went kayaking with Diane. There are a LOT of weeds in the lake, which looks very interesting as you pass over them. I didn’t take my camera, so I didn’t get any pictures. Saw a few red fish, which were apparently Kokanees.


diane and I

When we left Horse Lake, we went to Vernon for a couple of days.


Got some nice fresh produce.

fresh produceThen we went to Oliver. The RV Park we always stay at made a mistake, and instead of the pull through we reserved, they gave us a small back-in. We couldn’t fit into it, so had to go to a different RV park, which was basically an asphalt parking lot with tiny strips of grass between the sites:(

Silver Sage winery

While we were there, we went to a winery or two…

turtleand saw a turtle trying to cross the road.

Bought more produce and came home with the intention of doing some crabbing this week, as we still had a week off remaining, and the Fates seemed to have it in for us.

Alas, our trials were not over. When we got home, we were unable to park the trailer, because some nitwit decided to park right at the base of our driveway. There is an entire block to park in…and he decides to park at the bottom of the only driveway with more than one car in it?? We had to leave the trailer in the street, and I had to empty it while unable to put the slides out. Not fun.

And crabbing? Well, the motor on the new boat won’t start. Things are NOT looking up.




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