The heat continues to be rather unbearable here, and I am continually seeking ways to overcome it. Fans are going all over the house, and I am experimenting with cocktail popsicles. Today’s attempt is Irish Cream popsicles.
My popsicle moulds each hold 1/4 cup liquid, so I need 2 cups of liquid to make eight popsicles. Can’t have too much alcohol, or they won’t freeze. These came out quite well, and I will make them again.
I combined:
- 3/4 cup plain Greek yogurt
- 1 cup skim milk
- 1/4 cup Irish Cream Liquor
That’s all. The Irish cream made it sweet enough that there is no sugar needed. Â The whole set came to about 10 Weight Watchers points, so less than 2 points per popsicle. So nice in this heat.
Edit: I did a little research and found that as long as you keep the alcohol below 20{b5e9da418c41db5965ba6ae41e0262802c569d7c3fb12d2aa915c31c71481173}, it should freeze. Since Irish Cream was 17{b5e9da418c41db5965ba6ae41e0262802c569d7c3fb12d2aa915c31c71481173} alcohol, it should freeze straight. I don’t like it full strength, so I mixed it half and half and tried again. It was perfect. The reason I like to use yogurt, by the way, is to give it a bit of creamy texture. Without, there is more of an icy texture.
So, options:
- freeze on it’s own
- mix half and half with milk
- mix half and half with plain yogurt (would be nice with a coffee or chocolate yogurt)
- mix half and half with 1/4 yogurt and 1/4 milk
Have you tried experimenting with adult popsicles?