Category Archives: drinks and frozen treats

Iced Tea

iced tea

Something that absolutely screams summer for me is a glass of nice, cold, refreshing iced tea. It’s so simple to make it and keep a container of it in the fridge for those hot days. Can’t stand using the powdered stuff, as I don’t want all those chemicals in my body. Just lovely, sweet iced tea.

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Irish Cream Popsicles (cocktail popsicles)

Irish Cream popsicles

The heat continues to be rather unbearable here, and I am continually seeking ways to overcome it. Fans are going all over the house, and I am experimenting with cocktail popsicles. Today’s attempt is Irish Cream popsicles.

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Cappuccino Fudgesicles

cappuccino fudgesicle

it is very hot here at the moment and has been for several days.  I find it difficult to cope with the heat, so I am constantly looking for cool treats. A little experimenting produced these cappuccino fudgesicles.

I combined:

  • 3/4  cup plain Greek yogurt
  • 3/4 cup skim milk
  • 1/2 cup 10{b5e9da418c41db5965ba6ae41e0262802c569d7c3fb12d2aa915c31c71481173} cream
  • 3 tablespoons instant cappuccino mix, blended with a tablespoon of water

It made 8 cappuccini-sicles which were tasty and refreshing.

cappuccini fudgesicle

As I have a lactose problem, I used lactose free yogurt, milk and cream. The total Weight Watchers points for all fudgesicles was 12. It could easily be reduced to 9 by using skim milk instead of the cream, which would make them about 1 point each.

Homemade Strawberry Popsicles

homemade strawberry popsicles

It’s been really hot here, and I don’t take the heat very well. Never have, never will. I’m fine when it is nice and warm, but I don’t like scorching heat when the house gets too hot and it seems hard to breathe. All I want then is a nice swim in a pool or lake; or some shade, a lounger, a book and something cool to drink or eat.  The other day I decided to do something I haven’t done since my daughter was a child…I made homemade strawberry popsicles.

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Red Wine Sangria

red wine sangria

In the heat this weekend, Steve really fancied making some red wine sangria…as we have red wine on hand and usually have a lot of fruit hanging about. He whipped this up and left it to chill so that it was ready to have with our dinner.

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