Category Archives: drinks

Iced Tea

iced tea

Something that absolutely screams summer for me is a glass of nice, cold, refreshing iced tea. It’s so simple to make it and keep a container of it in the fridge for those hot days. Can’t stand using the powdered stuff, as I don’t want all those chemicals in my body. Just lovely, sweet iced tea.

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Red Wine Sangria

red wine sangria

In the heat this weekend, Steve really fancied making some red wine sangria…as we have red wine on hand and usually have a lot of fruit hanging about. He whipped this up and left it to chill so that it was ready to have with our dinner.

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Honey Lavender Drink

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Today is the start of Daylight Savings Time. Pffft. I hate DST. I resent having that hour stolen from me, and I remain displeased until it is returned to me…in November. Bad enough that we have to go on this, it has been shown to be unproductive and dangerous, but some yo-yo at the top has decreed that we peons must endure it….and it gets worse every year, as the Americans stretch it out, and we copy them. At least this DST morning, I woke feeling rested for a change. I’m giving some credit to this honey lavender drink.

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Easy Chai Tea on a cold day

It’s a miserable, damp day so I needed something comforting to drink.

cold day


One of my favourite hot drinks is chai tea. I don’t like the overly sweet stuff sold in tetra packs, and teabags will do in a pinch, but when I have a few minutes to spare, and some room in the fridge, I like to make  a batch.

chai tea


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