Category Archives: Weight Watchers points

Baked Figs with Goat Cheese

baked figs with goat cheese and honey

I love it when the figs start to ripen. We don’t usually get very many, as they ripen late and it’s a race between them ripening off and the frost putting a stop to it all. When they are available, I love baked figs with goat cheese and honey, topped with candied pecans.

I picked a dozen yesterday from our fig tree. (My husband took a picture of me among the leaves.)

fig tree

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Banana Bran Muffins

banana bran muffins

These banana bran muffins are my very own creation. When my daughter was a teenager, it was sometimes hard to come up with things that were relatively healthy that she would eat. The combination of banana and chocolate chips is one of those flavours I could usually rely upon, so I added some oat bran and flax seeds to make it it a tad healthier, and it was a hit:)

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Watermelon Cucumber Salad

watermelon cucumber salad

Today was a little bit hectic first thing in the morning…getting the recycling out to the curb, emptying the dishwasher, making my breakfast and prepping a lunch. All of a sudden it was time to dash, and I rushed out of the house and was halfway to work before I realized I hadn’t taken anything out for supper. By the end of the day, I was tired and hot, so I decided to buy a cooked chicken , fry some potatoes and experiment with this watermelon cucumber salad.

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Peach Bran Muffins

peach bran muffins

Last year, we had a bumper crop of peaches. I would up making jam, salsa, pies, crumbles…you name it. I also froze quite a lot, and this week my husband asked if I could make muffins with them. Why not, indeed? So, I played around with my recipe and came up with this fat-free peach bran muffin. We really enjoyed them.

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Cappuccino Fudgesicles

cappuccino fudgesicle

it is very hot here at the moment and has been for several days.  I find it difficult to cope with the heat, so I am constantly looking for cool treats. A little experimenting produced these cappuccino fudgesicles.

I combined:

  • 3/4  cup plain Greek yogurt
  • 3/4 cup skim milk
  • 1/2 cup 10{b5e9da418c41db5965ba6ae41e0262802c569d7c3fb12d2aa915c31c71481173} cream
  • 3 tablespoons instant cappuccino mix, blended with a tablespoon of water

It made 8 cappuccini-sicles which were tasty and refreshing.

cappuccini fudgesicle

As I have a lactose problem, I used lactose free yogurt, milk and cream. The total Weight Watchers points for all fudgesicles was 12. It could easily be reduced to 9 by using skim milk instead of the cream, which would make them about 1 point each.

Homemade Strawberry Popsicles

homemade strawberry popsicles

It’s been really hot here, and I don’t take the heat very well. Never have, never will. I’m fine when it is nice and warm, but I don’t like scorching heat when the house gets too hot and it seems hard to breathe. All I want then is a nice swim in a pool or lake; or some shade, a lounger, a book and something cool to drink or eat.  The other day I decided to do something I haven’t done since my daughter was a child…I made homemade strawberry popsicles.

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Easy Strawberry Shortcake

easy strawberry shortcake

Here in Victoria, the start of June heralds the start of strawberry season. The local berries smell and taste absolutely wonderful. I picked up a pint of these delicious berries yesterday with the intention of making this easy strawberry shortcake for dessert. Unfortunately, it was too hot to even consider baking, so I waited until about ten at night to make the shortcake, so that the kitchen would have all night to cool off. We had it for dessert tonight, and the delay simply seemed to make it all the sweeter.

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Low Fat Potato Salad

low fat potato salad

It has gotten very hot in the last couple of days. When it gets hot, I like to eat things like cold ham or cold chicken with potato salad. Since I am trying to bring my weight down, I came up with this low fat potato salad, which is Weight Watchers friendly at 4 points per half cup, but still very tasty.

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Caramel Apple Coffee Cake

caramel apple coffee cake

This caramel apple coffee cake is a quick and easy dessert. You could also make it for breakfast, if you so desired. It is a yeast bread, but is not fussy or complicated. It’s very simple.

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Steak and Kidney Pudding in Slow Cooker

steak and kidney pudding

When you marry an Englishman, sometimes you make things like steak and kidney pudding  in a slow cooker. Why? Because you love your partner and want to make them something you yourself would not consider eating, but they apparently enjoy. You can also substitute mushrooms for the kidneys, and then it has more appeal to the North American palate. Cooking it this way makes it so easy.

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