Category Archives: beef

Beef Stew

beef stew

Beef stew is more of a Sunday afternoon meal, than a meal in a hurry. It’s best if you have a couple of hours of cooking time. The actual work involved doesn’t take too long, however.

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Cornish Pasty

cornish pasty

This Cornish pasty is a cheater’s version, and is quick and easy to make. I do make proper ones, but if I have a pack of puff pastry in the freezer, at some point I will make these. Start by allowing the pastry to defrost. For 4 good sized pasties, I used half a pack.

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Christmas baking isn’t complete until I have made Tourtiere. It is a delicious, mildly spicy, meat pie which we enjoy on Christmas Eve. Years ago, my daughter wanted to try it, and one of the clients in the bank where I worked, was kind enough to share his mother’s recipe…so it’s a genuine French Canadian version.

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Beef Stroganoff Casserole


This is a simple and easy dinner to make. It takes about 45 minutes. I make it sometimes when I want a meal that takes little preparation and produces a tasty dinner.

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Surf and Turf

crab surf and turf

We celebrated our wedding anniversary the other day, and I wanted something special for supper. We love steak and seafood, so some form of surf and turf was inevitable. This was very easy to make, and very tasty.

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Meals with Ground Beef- Tacos/Tortillas

beef tacos

When you are looking for something to make in a hurry, ground beef is one of the go-to meats we tend to choose. Like chicken, it is very versatile and lends itself to a number of dishes. When in a rush, I sometimes like to serve tacos/tortillas. It is fairly quick to prepare and tasty to eat.

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Yorkshire Pudding

Yorkshire Pudding

Roast beef just isn’t a proper roast beef dinner without Yorkshire pudding (sometimes called batters) and gravy. They use a few basic ingredients- milk, eggs, flour and salt. My daughter is always appalled if I take a shortcut and don’t make the puddings with a roast:)

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Steak and Kidney Pudding in Slow Cooker

steak and kidney pudding

When you marry an Englishman, sometimes you make things like steak and kidney pudding  in a slow cooker. Why? Because you love your partner and want to make them something you yourself would not consider eating, but they apparently enjoy. You can also substitute mushrooms for the kidneys, and then it has more appeal to the North American palate. Cooking it this way makes it so easy.

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Beef Stir Fry

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When you are in a hurry, beef stir fry with vegetables over rice or noodles is a fast dinner choice. Time wise it should take about 20-25 minutes…about the time for rice to cook.

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Meals with Ground Beef- Simple Chili Con Carne

chili con carne

It’s been a while since I posted a meal made with ground beef. This simple chili con carne recipe is something I have been making for years. It is very basic and easy to tweak to your own taste. Takes about 20 minutes to make, though it certainly won’t hurt it to sit longer. (My brother would be appalled at this…chili is something he takes very seriously. He is a volunteer fireman, and he and his friends enter a chili cook-off every winter…and they usually win.)

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