Category Archives: seafood

Creamy Pasta Sauce with Prawns

creamy pasta sauce with prawns

I bought a couple of bags of frozen, wild-caught prawns the other day, and I really wanted them for supper. After trying to decide HOW I wanted them, I finally decided on a creamy pasta sauce over linguine. This was very simple, and took about 20-25 minutes.

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Crab Stuffed Pasta Shells


crab stuffed pasta shells

My husband and I went crabbing again this weekend, and we caught 4 decent sized red rock crabs. After cooking them, and picking the meat from the shells, Steve thought it would be nice to make crab stuffed pasta shells the same as he makes with leftover ham. The results were absolutely delicious and very rich.

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Seven Fast Dinner Ideas for Singles

One of the reasons I started this blog was when I read an article in the Globe and Mail about a young woman of 20 who was babysitting some children overnight. Their parents had asked her to make them Kraft Dinner for their supper, and she couldn’t even manage it…she didn’t drain the pasta, resulting in a watery pasta soup. Her own parents said they had never taught her to cook. It made me think about the number of young people who do not or cannot cook, and I wanted to help them. So this is 7 simple supper suggestions for young people who are in a hurry and don’t want fast food (or Kraft Dinner).  All should take about 20 minutes or less.

Pita Pizza

pita pizza

  • 8″ pita bread
  • 2-3 tablespoons tomato or pizza sauce
  • whatever you like for topping (I like artichokes, spinach, tomatoes and feta cheese. My daughter likes ham, mozzarella and pineapple)

Bake at 400F for 10 minutes. Check. If cheese has melted, it’s ready. If you want it browned, put it under the broiler for a minute.

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Crab Linguine

crab linguine

We have been catching a few crab lately, so we have been getting experimental in how we cook with them. Tonight’s experiment was particularly tasty, and took about 20-25 minutes, including prep time.

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Crab Salad

crab salad

You cannot make a more simple meal than crab salad.

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Surf and Turf

crab surf and turf

We celebrated our wedding anniversary the other day, and I wanted something special for supper. We love steak and seafood, so some form of surf and turf was inevitable. This was very easy to make, and very tasty.

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Mmm…crab and quinoa “fried rice”

red rock crabsMethinks I may have occasionally mentioned just how much I love crab? Yesterday we got four of the yummy little guys. Steve cleaned them up, and I steamed them for supper (takes about 10 minutes in a bamboo steamer over boiling water).

raw crab in steamer

cooked crab in bamboo steamer

We had them with a little melted butter and some quinoa “fried rice”.

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Shrimp White Sauce

shrimp white sauce

When I left the house this morning, I had decided that cod would make a nice supper, with some new potatoes, corn on the cob and a watermelon-cucmber salad.  I thought about frying the fish, or poaching it with milk and onions. I finally decided to steam it and serve it with a shrimp white sauce. A quick meal, that would take less than half an hour.

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Cod with Parsley Sauce

cod with parsley sauce

For a quick dinner, fish is always a good option. I can have this cod with parsley sauce, mashed potatoes and peas on the table in just over 20 minutes.

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Rice Wraps with peanut dipping sauce

rice wraps

I’ve never made these before, but for some reason today I really fancied the idea of rice wraps with peanut dipping sauce. I nipped off to the grocery store for wrappers, bean sprouts and a lime. I had everything else.

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