Simple Fish Cake Recipe

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Simple Fish Cake Recipe with salmon

  • 1 can pink salmon
  • 3/4 cup mashed potato
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 medium onion, finely minced
  • salt and pepper
  • 1 tablespoon parsley
  • 1 tablespoon oregano

This is a very quick meal, as the fish cakes are quick to prepare, and very quick to cook. Combine all ingredients in a bowl, then press or shape into patties.

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They take about 8 minutes to cook. I served them with pan-fries and coleslaw, though they would be also good with rice and green salad. You could also serve them on a bun, with lettuce and tomato.

This is also a fairly economical meal, so if your budget is tight, consider that a can of salmon is a pretty inexpensive entree.

Do you like fish cakes? Do you make them with salmon?

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