Tag Archives: quick meals with ground beef

Quick Meals With Ground Beef- spaghetti sauce

DSCF2488I love pasta, and my husband makes THE best spaghetti sauce I have ever tasted.  It makes quite a large batch, and takes a while to prepare, so he makes it on the weekend, and I put it up in smaller portions and freeze them for quick ground beef meals during the week. Making food in quantity and freezing it, or prepping batches of vegetables for use during the week, can save you a lot of time when you are in a rush.

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Quick meals with ground beef- lasagne

On a cold, yucky day when it’s snowing, or the rain is chucking it down like no-one’s business, I like comfort food.  Roast, stew, lasagne, cabbage rolls, shepherd’s pie…all the old standbys.


Looking at the contents of my freezer, today seems like a day that calls for a quick meal with ground beef. It would have been even quicker if I had some frozen pasta sauce on hand.  Oh, well…

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