Quick Easy Chicken Soup

I remember nights when I would finish work, and dash into the grocery store and stare at the meat until something sort of leaped out and said “buy me”. Then I’d rack my brains trying to think of what to do with it.  When my mind would go:

hamburger= chili, meatloaf, shepherd’s pie, tortillas

chicken breast= fried chicken, chicken burger, souvlaki, soup

Soup! Aha! Grab a couple of chicken breast halves, a couple cans of chicken broth, I have onions and vegetables at home, grab some nice bread if I don’t want to make biscuits….okay, I’m set.

This is a quick and easy way to make chicken soup. Very useful when pressed for time. Not as fast as opening a can and heating it, true- but you have control of the ingredients (even more so if you make and freeze your own chicken broth in advance), and so much tastier than canned soup. Takes less than half an hour.

I start by putting the broth in a large pot, and setting it on high heat. While it comes to a boil, I cut the chicken in small chunks. As soon as it boils, I add the chicken, and a mashed or grated garlic clove, a couple of bay leaves, a tablespoon of oregano, a tablespoon of basil,  a teaspoon of curry powder and some salt and pepper. Then I chop a couple of green onions, dice a couple of carrots and a couple of stalks of celery and add them to the pot, turning the heat to medium. At this point, I can add some green beans, peas or corn, or a can of mushrooms, chopped red pepper or whatever I like. Then I add a diced potato. I cook it until the potato is tender. Sometimes I add instant noodles for the last couple of minutes, though they make it much more fattening.

Do you like soup for supper?



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