Steve’s Special Dry Rubbed Barbequed ribs

New Year’s Day was a bit grim and damp, and that’s not a great start to a whole new year. It made me feel a bit down, especially since I couldn’t decide what to make for supper.

My husband kindly offered to make his special dry rub barbequed ribs. I leaped at the opportunity and whisked him off to the nearest grocery store to purchase a pack of ribs. This is a meal that cannot be made in a hurry as it takes about 4 hours of slow cooking…nice for the weekend or holidays.




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Quick easy scone recipe

I love sitting down in the afternoon with a nice cup of tea and a scone. This is a quick, easy scone recipe that I use most of the time as it is easy to manipulate and turn into a variety of flavours.

I usually make it as a raspberry and white chocolate scone, but today, I am going to make it as a pear toffee scone.


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Simple leftover turkey recipes part 2- tortilla soup

The upside (or downside, depending on your point of view) of cooking a large bird like a turkey, is that you have to deal with quite a lot of leftover meat. My husband and I love turkey, so this is not a problem. Hence, another simple leftover turkey recipe: tortilla soup.



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Quick meals with ground beef

Ground beef is one the most versatile dinner meats I can think of…(well, that, and chicken breasts. )


If you can’t think of anything else, you can always brown it with some onion and garlic, and make gravy by straining off the fat, then adding beef broth and thickening it with flour or cornstarch. Serve with mashed potatoes and vegetables and you have dinner in less than 30 minutes.

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Simple leftover turkey recipes and ideas

I love cooking a turkey for the holidays, because it provides a meal for a large group, plus several quick meals at a later date.

roast turkey

Poutine (thank you, Quebec)

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Easy Chai Tea on a cold day

It’s a miserable, damp day so I needed something comforting to drink.

cold day


One of my favourite hot drinks is chai tea. I don’t like the overly sweet stuff sold in tetra packs, and teabags will do in a pinch, but when I have a few minutes to spare, and some room in the fridge, I like to make  a batch.

chai tea


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Treats in a hurry

I think this has happened to most parents. You are getting your child ready for school, and they announce that they are supposed to bring in a treat to share with the class…today!

After you finish screaming inside, you consider your (limited) options:

  • rice crispy treats (or cornflake treats)
  • buy some cookies/tangerines/grapes on your way to school
  • puffed wheat squares
  • run away from home
  • ???


My go-to treat is butterscotch brownies. They take about 20 minutes from start to finish, and I always have the necessary ingredients to hand. I have made this so many times over the years, that I have committed it to memory.

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Curry in a hurry

One of my absolute favourite meals in a hurry is Thai red curry. I can have this fast meal on the table in about half an hour or less.




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Breakfast in a hurry


When you are pressed for time, quite often you neglect to feed
yourself, and then try to grab a coffee and doughnut or a fast food breakfast sandwich a bit later in the morning. Those options are okay on occasion, but are not healthy options in the long term. They usually are higher in calories, and often do not have much in the way of protein, so you feel hungry again fairly soon. They are also quite addictive, and you can get trapped in a repeating cycle (think Groundhog Day) where you make this into a routine.


There are several quick breakfast options at home which can save you money and time. These breakfast meals in a hurry can include some of the following:

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Why meals in a hurry?

Why did I decide to start a website with quick meals for people who are in a hurry? Why am I blogging about food?


I’ve thought about this for a few years, and every time I decide there are already a lot of sites to help with this, I meet someone or read about someone who just cannot seem to manage it.

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