Leftover Lamb Curry

leftover lamb curry

Whenever I roast a leg of lamb, there are leftovers.  Neither my husband nor I really enjoy cold roast beef, pork or lamb, so we have to utilize the leftovers somehow. Leftover lamb makes for good curry, which is very nice on a fall evening.

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Spicy Pumpkin Fudge

spicy pumpkin fudge

After I made the pumpkin cookies, I had about half a cup of pumpkin puree sitting around. Knowing my daughter’s love of all things pumpkin, I decided to try to make pumpkin fudge. I checked several recipes online, but they all seemed to call for a lot of butter. I hate wasting butter on experimental stuff I may not like, so I decided to create my own recipe.

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Easy Pumpkin Cookies

pumpkinsThis time of year, when the fields are full of pumpkins, and the coffee shops start serving pumpkin lattes, is when my daughter starts hinting for me to make these very easy pumpkin cookies. I’ve given her the recipe, but she likes them made by me. I got the recipe years ago, when I worked as a hospital cook, from Debbie, one of the other cooks. She used to shape the cookies into pumpkin shapes, mark lines into them with a knife, and decorate them with icing. I’m too lazy to do that:)

easy pumpkin cookies

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Lemon Pecan Shortbread

lemon pecan shortbread

Lemon pecan shortbread is my variation of the old Canada Cornstarch shortbread recipe. It makes a very tender, melt-in-your mouth shortbread and is very easy to make.

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Crab Salad

crab salad

You cannot make a more simple meal than crab salad.

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Return of the Crabbers


On Friday, we FINALLY got out on the ocean, in a boat! And it worked!

We got up at a reasonable hour, loaded up the boat with all of our paraphernalia…a packed lunch, thermos of tea, crab traps, bait, lifejackets, fish finder, bucket, gaff, etc. Then we drove to the boat launch in Sidney. It wasn’t very busy, possibly because the weather was overcast and nippy  although the weather channel had predicted sunshine. (Of course, the weather channel has advised us that Thursday was supposed to be rainy, so we didn’t attempt to go out…and then it didn’t rain until nightfall. Typical.

ready to go


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The Engine Strikes Back

So…we buy a boat. We have a wonderful time getting the trailer licensed and insured so that we can move the boat around. It took 3 separate trips to the insurers to get it done.

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Caramelized Upside-Down Pear Gingerbread

Caramelized Upside-Down Pear Gingerbread is one of my husband’s favourites. While we were in the Okanagan, we bought a lot of apples and pears to bring home. Most of them survived quite nicely, but the Bartlett Pears were a little too ripe and got a bit bruised in transport. Seeing this, he immediately started hinting for pear gingerbread.

caramelized upside-down pear gingerbread

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Surf and Turf

crab surf and turf

We celebrated our wedding anniversary the other day, and I wanted something special for supper. We love steak and seafood, so some form of surf and turf was inevitable. This was very easy to make, and very tasty.

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Camping and Other Disasters

Just after buying the boat, we departed for a two week holiday in the interior of BC. We went to Horse Lake with our 5th wheel trailer, and met our oldest friends, Diane and Blair,  there.


It’s supposed to have really good fishing, but  our bad luck followed us there as well, and my husband and Blair only got three nibbles in six hours of fishing. No one else was having any luck either…maybe one person caught a fish every two days.

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