Category Archives: baking and desserts

Individual Butterscotch Brownies with Apple Roses

butterscoth brownie with apple rose

We are having a bake sale at work next Monday, and I was trying to think of something original, fast to make and tasty. I got a bit experimental, and decided to make individual butterscotch brownies (aka blondies by some people) and insert an apple rose in the middle.

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Carrot Cupcakes

carrot cupcakes

It’s my daughter’s birthday in a couple days, and she lives too far away for me to make her a cake. Her favourite cake is carrot cake, so I decided to make carrot cupcakes and mail them to her. I’m afraid she will have to make her own cream cheese icing to frost them with.

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Christmas Fruitcake

Christmas Fruitcake

With Christmas about 6 weeks away, it’s time to make the Christmas fruitcake. My husband likes dark fruitcake and I like light fruitcake, so I make a compromise version, somewhere in between. It’s easy to make, but takes quite a while to cook.

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Apple Roses with Puff Pastry

rose apple in puff pastry

I keep seeing lovely apple roses on Pinterest, so today I decided to give them a whirl. I wanted to make something special for my husband, so I decided to make apple roses with puff pastry and make them into individual apple strudels.

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Fig and Goat Cheese Pizza

fig and goat cheese pizza

My daughter posted this fig and goat cheese pizza on Facebook the other day. It looked delicious, so I asked her to guest-blog it for me…and she did.

Good evening friends, tonight I’d like to talk to you about this delight for the taste buds. Yes Jack Daniels, I’m talking to you.

Screenshot 2015-10-29 22.34.44

Take some apples and a splash of olive oil and then add some splashes of this bad boy and then then throw them on a pizza with a fig and balsamic glaze. Add actual figs, goat cheese and mozzarella and die in a pretentious coma of DELICIOUS!

fig and goat cheese pizza

Rice Krispie Squares

rice krispie squares

Every once in a while I get a craving for the classic treats of my childhood: rice krispie squares and puffed wheat squares. They were the kinds of goodies that always showed up at potluck dinners, bake sales and at school parties.

The other day, I was poking about in the cupboard and came across an open bag of marshmallows and some of the Christmas themed rice krispies and decided that I really wanted some rice krispie squares.

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Baked Figs with Goat Cheese

baked figs with goat cheese and honey

I love it when the figs start to ripen. We don’t usually get very many, as they ripen late and it’s a race between them ripening off and the frost putting a stop to it all. When they are available, I love baked figs with goat cheese and honey, topped with candied pecans.

I picked a dozen yesterday from our fig tree. (My husband took a picture of me among the leaves.)

fig tree

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Spicy Pumpkin Fudge

spicy pumpkin fudge

After I made the pumpkin cookies, I had about half a cup of pumpkin puree sitting around. Knowing my daughter’s love of all things pumpkin, I decided to try to make pumpkin fudge. I checked several recipes online, but they all seemed to call for a lot of butter. I hate wasting butter on experimental stuff I may not like, so I decided to create my own recipe.

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Easy Pumpkin Cookies

pumpkinsThis time of year, when the fields are full of pumpkins, and the coffee shops start serving pumpkin lattes, is when my daughter starts hinting for me to make these very easy pumpkin cookies. I’ve given her the recipe, but she likes them made by me. I got the recipe years ago, when I worked as a hospital cook, from Debbie, one of the other cooks. She used to shape the cookies into pumpkin shapes, mark lines into them with a knife, and decorate them with icing. I’m too lazy to do that:)

easy pumpkin cookies

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Lemon Pecan Shortbread

lemon pecan shortbread

Lemon pecan shortbread is my variation of the old Canada Cornstarch shortbread recipe. It makes a very tender, melt-in-your mouth shortbread and is very easy to make.

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