Strawberry – Blueberry Salad

strawberry blueberry salad

The loveliest thing about summer is the delicious seasonal fruits and vegetables that are available at local farmer’s markets and in the grocery stores. So much more flavour that those that have been picked before their peak and shipped thousands of miles to grace our tables out of season. I like this strawberry blueberry salad because it takes advantage of the local berry crop.

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Meals With Ground Beef- Meatloaf

meat loaf

Another of those meals with ground beef, meatloaf is easy to make and easy to vary to suit different tastes. It is very quickly put together, and cooks in about 45 minutes.

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I love my French butter bell

French Butter Bell

This morning, when I sauntered into the kitchen, thinking of buttered toast and jam, with a lovely cup of tea, I had cause to think grateful thoughts of my butter bell. My kitchen is so hot that the coconut oil has liquified, and just standing in it makes me feel like I’m melting into a puddle. If had tried to keep my butter in a butter dish, it too would have melted into a puddle. The other option would be to keep it in the fridge so that it was rock-hard. Neither option really appeals to me, and when I reach for the butter bell, with it’s nice, soft, spreadable butter, I realize how happy I am to have this useful bit of crockery in my kitchen.

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Irish Cream Popsicles (cocktail popsicles)

Irish Cream popsicles

The heat continues to be rather unbearable here, and I am continually seeking ways to overcome it. Fans are going all over the house, and I am experimenting with cocktail popsicles. Today’s attempt is Irish Cream popsicles.

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Cappuccino Fudgesicles

cappuccino fudgesicle

it is very hot here at the moment and has been for several days.  I find it difficult to cope with the heat, so I am constantly looking for cool treats. A little experimenting produced these cappuccino fudgesicles.

I combined:

  • 3/4  cup plain Greek yogurt
  • 3/4 cup skim milk
  • 1/2 cup 10{b5e9da418c41db5965ba6ae41e0262802c569d7c3fb12d2aa915c31c71481173} cream
  • 3 tablespoons instant cappuccino mix, blended with a tablespoon of water

It made 8 cappuccini-sicles which were tasty and refreshing.

cappuccini fudgesicle

As I have a lactose problem, I used lactose free yogurt, milk and cream. The total Weight Watchers points for all fudgesicles was 12. It could easily be reduced to 9 by using skim milk instead of the cream, which would make them about 1 point each.

Crabbing (in more ways than one)

dungenesss crab

I LOVE crab for supper…or lunch, or anytime. I am not fussy when crab is on the menu. Crab with butter, crab cakes, crab in salad, crab on toasted cheesebread…you name it, I’ll eat it.

So, when my husband thought we should buy a boat and trap some crab, I thought it was a lovely idea.

So, we bought a boat:

inflatable boat

Now, a boat without a motor isn’t much use on the ocean, so- we bought a motor:

Screenshot 2015-07-01 11.58.57

Screenshot 2015-07-01 12.11.27


Then we thought wheels would be nice, as it is a lot easier to wheel a boat to the ocean than it is to carry it. So, we ordered wheels off the internet, and they arrived promptly:

Screenshot 2015-07-01 12.09.18

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Broccoli Grape Salad

broccoli grape salad

This broccoli grape salad won’t win any prizes for beauty, but for taste and simplicity? Win!

I threw this together last night to have with some leftover chicken curry for my lunch today. I happened to have some leftover peanut lime dressing, so I added  a bout 1 1/2 tablespoons of the dressing to 3/4 cup broccoli florets and about 1/3 cup red grapes. It was very tasty.

If I were to make this for dinner, I think I would add apple slices, diced celery and some nuts (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts or pecans).


Sour Cream Coffee Cake recipe

sour cream coffee cake

I’ve been making this sour cream coffee cake for years…ever since I had  a tub of sour cream that was reaching it’s sell-by date, and was wondering what to do with it. I came across this recipe and my husband loved it. So did my co-workers when I took one in to share.

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Fiesta Salad

fiesta salad

My daughter decided to help out again, and sent me this tasty recipe for fiesta salad. It is very colourful and bursting with flavour.

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Caramel Apple Bread recipe

caramel apple breadMy husband, Steve, was a bit annoyed at me for making two banana loaves, as he loves bananas, but cannot eat them. Feeling contrite, I decided to make a loaf just for him, so I made a caramel apple bread with pecans (naturally).

I used the same recipe as I did for the banana loaf and substituted a cup of applesauce for the banana.

It was very tasty:)