Easy Carrot Cake

carrot cupcakes with cream cheese frosting

I first tasted this easy carrot cake at the house of my friend Diane. It was delicious, but very high in oil and sugar…which didn’t bother me all those years ago, but now I am more health conscious, so I reduced the sugar and substituted apple sauce for the oil. It’s still delicious. I made it in muffin cups for portion control, and because cupcakes are cute.

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Tomato Basil Salad with Mozzarella

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I love tomato basil salad with mozzarella cheese and a balsamic vinegar dressing. It tastes so fresh and alive, and it is so very quick and simple to throw together.

For 2 people:

  • 2 medium tomatoes, diced
  • 1/2 cup fresh basil leaves
  • 1/2 cup fresh mozzarella, torn
  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
  • 2 teaspoons honey

Assemble the tomatoes, basil and cheese in a bowl. Combine the oil, vinegar and honey in a small jar and shake well. Just before serving, pour over the salad and toss to coat evenly.About 4-5 points each.

You can add chunks of cucumber, zucchini, pepper, olives if you desire.

Caramel Coconut Bars

caramel coconut bars

I got a bit experimental the other day, and concocted these bars. I was quite pleased with the end result. They don’t actually have a name, as there was no actual recipe, so I am calling them Caramel Coconut Bars.

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Orange Date Cake

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Orange date cake is another old recipe of my Mom’s.  It is glazed. so you don’t have to ice it, and it is pretty quick to make.

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Beef Stir Fry

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When you are in a hurry, beef stir fry with vegetables over rice or noodles is a fast dinner choice. Time wise it should take about 20-25 minutes…about the time for rice to cook.

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Meals with Ground Beef- Simple Chili Con Carne

chili con carne

It’s been a while since I posted a meal made with ground beef. This simple chili con carne recipe is something I have been making for years. It is very basic and easy to tweak to your own taste. Takes about 20 minutes to make, though it certainly won’t hurt it to sit longer. (My brother would be appalled at this…chili is something he takes very seriously. He is a volunteer fireman, and he and his friends enter a chili cook-off every winter…and they usually win.)

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Custard Pie Recipe

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I created this custard pie recipe years ago, when I wanted a sweet and fruity dessert for a special occasion. It is in a meringue shell, which is topped with fruit and cream. As well as being delicious, it can be low in calories.

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Pear Pecan Salad with Honey Pear Dressing

pear pecan salad with honey pear dressing

pear pecan salad with honey pear dressing

My cousin is allergic to strawberries and oranges, which are two fruits I frequently use in salads. When she invited me to a potluck dinner, where we would each bring a dish, and asked me to bring a salad, I was in a quandary. (I usually bring dessert type items). I put on my thinking cap, and came up with pear pecan salad, with feta cheese and grapes…and when trying to think what kind of dressing, I decided to try to make a honey pear dressing (it worked).

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How to cook steel cut oats

Screenshot 2015-03-25 21.05.28My daughter got me to try steel cut oats a few years ago, and I was hooked. They are a bit chewier and denser than rolled oats, and they have a slightly nutty flavour.  The first thing I wondered was how on earth to cook steel cut oats, and I tried a few methods, like making them in the slow cooker overnight. They take a bit longer to cook the traditional way, so I like to make a larger batch and bag it up for instant breakfasts. Much healthier than those packets of instant oatmeal containing who-knows-what chemicals.

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How to make scalloped potatoes

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My mother in law had surgery today, so I made her supper, and took it to her. An hour or so later, she asked me how to make scalloped potatoes, because she had enjoyed them so much. I’m sure there are many different ways, but this one is very tasty, though not quite as good as the ones my brother makes ( he spends a LOT of time ensuring that the potatoes are sliced super thin…I’m too lazy).

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