Quick Breakfast Quesadillas

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This breakfast quesadilla makes a quick breakfast, lunch or dinner meal and is a nice alternative to the usually meat filled quesadilla.

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Quinoa Chocolate Brownies

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These quinoa chocolate brownies are very easy to make, and are gluten-free, for those who cannot tolerate gluten. They are fairly moist, although not as fudgy as a regular brownie.

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Wacky Cake

I first encountered this at the home of my friend, Marianne, when we were in junior high. She called it wacky cake, and I thought it was pretty crazy to make a cake in the pan, like making a mudpie.  I loved it, and got the recipe from her. I made it for my mom, who remembered making cakes like it during the war…no butter, no eggs.

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Peach Oatmeal Crisp (gluten-free)

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Last year, my peach tree produced about a dozen peaches. This August, it went mad and produced about 300 peaches. I had several days with a kitchen counter that looked like this:

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I parboiled, peeled and froze a lot of peaches. I made jam. I made salsa. I took peaches to work. I ate peaches for dessert. I made peach pie. I think I started to look like a peach.

Now, it’s winter and peach crisp sounds like it will hit the spot. I’m going to serve it with caramel sauce because I love caramel, and use almond flour to make it gluten-free.

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Avocado and Mango Quesadilla

This is a very quick and tasty lunch. I make this avocado and mango quesadilla with two flour tortillas, but when I am not so hungry, I just use one and fold it in half.

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Sour Cream Fudge recipe

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I love fudge. This sour cream fudge recipe is very easy and absolutely delicious. The sour cream adds a slight tang to the sweetness of the fudge, and it has a nice creamy texture. I used to make it for my father-in-law, who absolutely loved it…until the day I told him it was sour cream based. I still make it frequently for my Mom and a couple of my aunts. I daren’t make it for myself, because I would eat half the pan in one go. I have a wicked sweet tooth.

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Main Dish Salad Dinner

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When you are in a hurry, do not overlook salad. It can be a main dish. Thinly sliced chicken breast can be coated with egg or milk, and rolled in crushed almonds, or breadcrumbs mixed with grated parmesan and oregano, salt and pepper and baked for about 20 minutes in a 400F oven. It can then be served over a salad for a very hearty meal.

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Easy Lasagne


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1.5 pound (675g) lean ground beef
2 cloves garlic (minced, crushed or grated)
1 medium onion, diced
1 bell pepper, seeds removed and diced
1 -6 ounce tin tomato paste
1 -20 ounce tin diced or crushed tomatoes
1 teaspoon each salt, pepper, oregano, basil
1 package lasagne noodles (oven ready are best if you are lazy like myself)
1 -12 ounce carton cottage cheese
8 ounces grated mozzarella
grated parmesan to taste
Brown the beef and onion over medium heat in a large pan to which a couple of teaspoons of oil have been added. After a couple of minutes, add the pepper and garlic. Cook for a couple of minutes, then drain off any fat, and add the tomatoes. Cover and simmer for about 15-20 minutes. While it cooks, heat the oven to 350F, and cook the pasta if not using oven ready lasagne.

Using a 9 x 13 baking dish, layer meat sauce, noodles, cottage cheese. Then repeat, using meat sauce, noodles and grated cheese. Then add more meat sauce and sprinkle cheese on top. You can add grated parmesan to the final layer. Bake at 350F for 20-30 minutes. Let sit for about 5 minutes or so before serving. Nice with garlic bread and a Caesar salad.

Best Bran Muffins

Screen Shot 2015-02-21 at 10.47.27 PMThese are the best bran muffins I have ever had. They are also very versatile, and very forgiving. You can overmix them, and they do not get tough, unlike other muffins. You can vary the recipe, and make them a little different, just for variety.

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Memories and Empire Cookies

We had a bake sale at work last week to raise money for the food bank.  I made  two kinds of cookies for it: thimble cookies and refrigerator cookies. I had originally planned to make Empire Cookies and thimble cookies, but I forgot about the need to chill the dough, so substituted the refrigerator cookies, as I had already made the dough for those. Tonight, I had time before supper, so rolled, cut and baked these. After supper, I assembled them.


I first encountered these (Empire Cookies) when we moved to the West Coast, in a bakery in Sidney. That was in the days before the Internet, so if you wanted a recipe, you had to hunt through a LOT of cookbooks, or try to figure it out on your own.

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