Easy Vanilla Slice

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I’ve always enjoyed this dessert, since first encountering it years ago on a trip to England.  This easy vanilla slice is made with frozen puff pastry, and ultra low fat Cool Whip, and it is relatively Weight Watchers friendly. You can easily change the Cool Whip for custard if you prefer…or whipped cream if you aren’t counting calories.

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Gluten Free Scones

gluten free apple scones

I don’t do a lot of gluten-free baking, but I know a few people who are gluten intolerant, so occasionally I make a foray into that territory. Today’s gluten free apple scones are a result of one such attempt.

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French Madeleines


I remember watching The Transporter with my daughter, and the incongruity of the discussion around Madeleines in an action movie amused us. It also made us want madeleines. I actually even bought a madeleine pan to make them properly (though you can use a muffin tin).

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Easy Crumb Cake

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I associate crumb cake, lazy daisy cake and orange date cake with summer and picnics at the lake. My mom always made one of these for family gatherings of an outdoor nature.

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Easy Coconut Macaroons- gluten free

Screen Shot 2015-03-14 at 9.09.24 PMIt seems my whole family is interested in my food blog, and wanting to help out. First my daughter, and now Jean. My mother in law made these easy coconut macaroons today and invited me to partake of them with a cup of tea. Then she suggested sharing them on my blog. I am happy to do so.

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Orange Ginger Glazed Salmon

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One of my favourite dinners tonight. Orange ginger glazed salmon (sockeye salmon at that) with fried rice and stir-fried vegetables.  Definitely a quick meal…took less than 20 minutes. Would also have been nice with plain rice and asparagus.

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Simple Orange Chicken

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I decided to have a go at making orange chicken the other day. I made a sauce, then deep fried the chicken and tossed it in the sauce at the last minute. It was quite tasty, and easy to make.

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Brownies from Scratch with violet glaze

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Why spend money on a mix, when making brownies from scratch is simple and free of chemical additions? I have been making brownies since I was about 12, and they have never  failed me. For variety, I used violet glaze on this batch.

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Honey Lavender Drink

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Today is the start of Daylight Savings Time. Pffft. I hate DST. I resent having that hour stolen from me, and I remain displeased until it is returned to me…in November. Bad enough that we have to go on this, it has been shown to be unproductive and dangerous, but some yo-yo at the top has decreed that we peons must endure it….and it gets worse every year, as the Americans stretch it out, and we copy them. At least this DST morning, I woke feeling rested for a change. I’m giving some credit to this honey lavender drink.

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Easy Cream of Cauliflower Soup

Screen Shot 2015-03-07 at 4.08.17 PMEasy cream of cauliflower soup. It doesn’t get much easier than this….unless you open a can and heat it. I prefer having control of my ingredients to avoid too many chemicals in my food.

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